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storytelling for business

Lead conversations. Maximize the impact of your ideas. Influence decision-makers.

at tall giraffe we will help you...

give clear recommendations

reach new audiences

influence decision-making

fool-proof your story

lead conversations

drive change

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our solutions

elevate your story
reporting & visualization

You have your story but you need to present it in a refreshing way to get maximum impact and influence. What you need is a visual facelift that takes your ideas to the next level.


build your story
data storytelling

You have great ideas but you are missing the story that will make them come through. What you need is an expert eye that can give new wings to your ideas and make your recommendation shine.


find your story
analysis & insights

You have the data, but you are missing the insights and the story.  What you need is full support to make sense of what your stakeholders need to know and influence their decision-making.

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